Q&A with our Executive Creative Director

MP STUDIO's Shana Jacobs offers insight on what inspires her, and where it all started.  

Q: What is your first memory of a situation where you knew you were interested in interior design?
A: I would secretly rearrange my bedroom in the middle of the night my entire childhood. But as a serious life decision, it would be during my time in architecture school at Texas Tech.  I was an intern and found myself much more interested in the design of the interior spaces.  I knew for sure by the end of my second summer internship that I would be changing my focus – I just had to convince my parents.

Q: What influences you, aside from furniture and décor?
A: The design of the architecture greatly influences the way I approach the interior.  I feel it does a project a great disservice when a designer completely ignores the exterior design.  It doesn’t have to be a completely literal translation, but should have subtle details reflected throughout.

Q: Favorite materials or textures?
A: I love all linens, burlaps, and velvets.

Q: Design rule you love to break?
A: My favorite design rule to break is to use largely oversized art wherever possible.  Not every client will go for it, but when possible, I enjoy using art that makes a huge statement and is an instant conversation starter.  In my own home, most of the art is either as tall as me or even taller.